Neuromodulation Research
Using the links below, you can find links to several scientific articles detailing the efficacy and safety of Neuromodulation and the various technologies it utilizes.
The Efficacy of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation to Improve Cognition
“Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) has attracted interest as a technique for causal investigations into how rhythmic fluctuations in brain neural activity influence cognition and for promoting cognitive rehabilitation. We found modest to moderate improvements in cognitive function with tACS treatment that were evident in several cognitive domains, including working memory, long-term memory, attention, executive control, and fluid intelligence. Improvements in cognitive function were generally stronger after completion of tACS (“offline” effects) than during tACS treatment (“online” effects). Improvements in cognitive function were greater in studies that used current flow models to optimize or confirm neuromodulation targets by stimulating electric fields generated in the brain by tACS protocols. In studies targeting multiple brain regions concurrently, cognitive function changed bidirectionally (improved or decreased) according to the relative phase, or alignment, of the alternating current in the two brain regions (in phase versus antiphase). Overall, our findings contribute to the debate surrounding the effectiveness of tACS for cognitive rehabilitation, quantitatively demonstrate its potential, and indicate further directions for optimal tACS clinical study design.”
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for the Treatment of Depression
“Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a novel nonpharmacological intervention consisting of administering direct, weak electric currents into the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp; these currents are able to induce neuromodulatory changes in cortical activity beyond the period of stimulation. tDCS has been intensively investigated for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders in the past 15 years, particularly major depression.”
The Safety of Repeated Applications of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
“Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a form of non-invasive brain stimulation which passes a mild current between anodal & cathodal electrodes on the scalp. This modulates levels of cortical excitability, resulting in lasting alteration in neuronal activity at regions of interest.”
A Review of the Photobiomodulation Technology
“Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive therapy that entails the use of red to infrared (IR) light (wavelengths of 600 to 1100 nm) to stimulate cellular processes that promote tissue healing and regeneration. Additionally to being studied and used as a therapy for pain relief, wound healing and skin rejuvenation, the neuromodulation effects of PBM, when applied to the scalp, have been increasingly more studied, with several clinical studies showing that it could be a safe, noninvasive, and non-destructive alternative to conventional treatments for various neurological disorders.”